Receiving training, simplified.
Are you looking to increase your receiving strength while also learning the mechanics utilized by elite catchers?
For instructions, click HERE. Example drill work and application is available on our YouTube channel. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.
For questions about wholesale and retail pricing, please email us at or contact us HERE.
Not intended for use with pitching machines, high velocity settings, or while catching a pitcher. Resistance assembly is inherently restrictive and may cause injury if not used properly. Using the CRT Belt 2.0 with a pitching machine is to be completed at your own risk. For full disclaimer and product instructions click HERE.
Introducing Version 2.0 of our Original CRT Belt™. This updated model includes both the 10" and 12" resistance cable lengths, a protective outer sleeve, and a mesh carrying bag for a higher quality experience.
Our Catcher Resistance Training™ (CRT) Belt is guaranteed to teach you the proper technique used by elite modern catchers for receiving the ball while also building strength through repeatable mechanics. If you’re looking to enhance your training while building skill and strength, this is the product for you. Recommended for catchers age 9 and up. Pro to youth.
NOTE: Level of resistance is comparable to a standard red (Mini) Sorinex resistance band (approx. 20lb-25lb of resistance).
RECOMMENDED USE: Dry patterning, barehand drills, gloved drills, weighted ball drills, and more! Machine work completed at your own risk. See full disclaimer above.
The CRT Belt™ is a result of a desire to simplify resisted receiving training for catchers, build a catcher's strength while receiving, and promote the proper technique used by elite level receivers. While (unsuccessfully) searching for a spot to connect a resistance band to at our facility for training receiving, the idea for the CRT Belt™ was born. Instead of needing a fence or weight to attach a resistance band to, we decided to eliminate the need for anything except for the CRT Belt™ and yourself!
"Keep the Game Simple"
Are you looking to increase your receiving strength while also learning the mechanics utilized by elite catchers?